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Wednesday 30 April 2014

19. Hari Buruh

esok cuti - cuti hari pekerja!!! ai kan pekerja!!! jom kita gi...........

                                                    new york

banyak le cekadak nak gi london , paris , new york!!!!!!!!! gi sabah sarawak pon tak lepas!!!!!

18. Meletop!!!

MELETOP - semalam saya tertengok meletop - nabil and lofa makin santai hosting the show tak macam mula2 dulu - nampak kekok n keras!!! saya jarang tengok citer ni tapi ok la dari melodi yg terlampau penuh ngan kontroversi and gossip!!! ye tahu....melodi mmg sengaja dibuat gitu tapi makin tua ni makin tak suke tengok melodi!!!! rasa mcm kak kiah pulak - nak busy body jaga tepi kain orang - nak korek selagi mau - terasa mcm eh!! eh!! bedosanyer ai turut terbabit walaupon sekadar menonton!!! rasa mcm dapat dosa kering - kalau tak silap sepanjang 5 taun ade 2 kali tengok melodi , tu pon kat umah sape tah!!! meletoppp ni kurang sikit kontroversi dia!!! takde terjah2 mcm melodi punye wartawan!!! euwwww!!! tak suke!!!!

17. Wordless wednesday

Tuesday 29 April 2014

16. Sayang awak!!!

sebab-sebab saya sayang cik darlin saya!!! kat bawah ni some of them - kang kalau tulih semua , 4 hari tak abih2!! tulih omputih la...sebab kalau tulih melayu mcm mendayu-dayu - cintan cintun!!! tak suke!!! antara reason why i love him are...

1. he rock!!! bukan jenis leleh-leleh

2. he loves me unconditionally.....

3. he married me!!! yehaaaa

4. he thinks i'am gorgeous walaupon tengah comot!!!

5. he watched ' american next top model ' with me

6. he loves me without make-up - yesss!!!

7. he is a good cook

8. he eats the food i cook even though it is not THAT good!!!

9. he will say  ' i love you ' without fail every day and every second!!! fuyoooo!!!

10. he will go shopping with me for hours....with smile on his face

11. he knows exactly how i love

12. he will kisses me goodnight before bed even if i'am slepping like a baby

13. he is a funny person

14. he love our kids more than life

15. he is good to his family

16. he knows how important my family is to me

17. he understand and spoil me....hehehe!!!

18. he has biggest warm cuddle and coziet hugs ever!!!

19. he is not ' miang keladi '  and last but not least....

20. he look delicious and taste delicious too!!!! yummy!!!

He is MINE.....................luv u darlin!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 28 April 2014

15. Remaja-remaja

i remember hearing people say 'little kids,little problems' - big kids,big problems'
i just knew about it - dari pemerhatian sendiri saya tahu masalah demi masalah pasti akan kita lalui...being a parent to a teenager makes you question everything you thought you knew about raising children - it makes you wonder where you went wrong when they were little - elok lempang2 jer masa kecik dulu - that thought dah tentu came across your mind!!! kan...kan...kan...untung la mane2 parents yg tak penah berdepan dgn prob anak2 remaja - giler untung!!! tak pening kepala!!! teenager are indivuduals who struggling to figure out who they are in this world - as a parents - your job is to be there ONLY when they want you to be there!!! ingat senang nak buat!!! kalau susah sangat - just remember what it was like when you were a teenager!!! kan lebihkurang jer - masa tu what we need the most was understanding drp mak2 kita - (la sama ghopenye kita!!!) so pendekciter - they're looking for someone to understand what they're going through - this is what your teens needs from you.....(mcm u dulu) and if you don't give that to them - believe me - they'll find someone who will......yg kononnye dapat memahami jiwa mereka!!! so jom la kita buat2 understand walaupon bukan understand sgt!!! and jom la jadi lebih understanding walaupon bukan understanding langsung!!!
to all mum - good luck with your teens coz i'am handling mine like a super n crazy woman at the same time....
they are MINE...

14. Batu seremban

masa sekolah time rendah darjah 3 dulu mainan nih la paling femes - time nak masuk kelas ngan time rehat sume main batu serembaan nih - zaman saya dulu main pakai batu - ade 7 ke 8 bijik batu sumenyer - saya main jugak tapi tak obsessed mcm kwn2 - asal rehat nampak batu - boring!!! sebabkan saya sifir tak pass - asal main jer - timbang2 batu memanjang n sengaja dapatkan lima batu sebab saya pass sifir 5 jer time tuh!!! ade sorang kwn tu - selalu tak puas hati , nape asyik2 timbang dpt 5 , byk2 le sikit!!! - eh!!! suka hati le orang nak 5!!! nyampah!!! lepas asyik kena sound dgn diva batu serembaan , last2 saya malas main - main 'rebut tiang' lagi best - tak payah nak kira2 bagai , ko rebut jer tiang sambil jerit2!!! baru best!!!

Sunday 27 April 2014

13. Ungu - Bila Tiba ( Ost. Sang Kiai ) ( Lirik )