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Tuesday 23 September 2014

14. Surat cinta untuk iman saya.....

Firstly , i love you, you are the twinkle in my eyes , blue in my sky. I have failed far too many of the challenges facing you and a little bit of me dies knowing that you are lost , you will be hurt. Life doesn't seems fair to you, to me even to everybody coz it never will.....

I understand, there are things in this life that you want, but you can't have them. I know you see other kids doing things you'd like to do but you can't do them. I know what it feels like , to want , what others have....believe me , ibu faham....    i grew up watching families and friends who had more than i did......sad indeed!!!
Wanting more than you have is though, it always leaves you feeling unfulfilled , kosong , serba kekurangan serba menyedihkan....BUT you are none of those things darling. None!!! You are vibrant, smart, handsome, larger than life, and full of potential. It's in your hand... It's all about how you choose to see yourself. how you choose your own path to hapiness and success.....

Do you see your path... I know you think i am nosy and i don't care but do you see your path? your destiny? the one with light, promises and possibility.....
Choose that one, it's cristal clear where you see what you do have instead of what you wished you had!!!
No doubt , you will trip and you will fall and you will lose your way occasionally but i'll be there, with big eyes, loud voice and a warning not to give-up BUT to get back on track. get up and go!!!!!!!!! because you've got places to be....things to do....lives to touch....and miracles to make....

The choice is yours my darling........not mine. Think about that 'reality' for a second.....just think.....and I promise , you will see things differently......Everything will be brighter , easier and make sense for your dunia and akhirat..................  
Do your best, your very best and let ALLAH do the rest because ALLAH knows best!!!! I love you with all of my heart...........             
40 days to SPM - r u ready!!!

   love hug and kisses
           ~ ibu ~

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